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Dynamic Play Teams Up With Access Sport

On the 8th of August, Dynamic Play will be teaming up with Access Sport to provide a day of fun filled activities for children and adults who have varying abilities. We will be stripping back some of our challenges used during our active parties including The Labyrinth and adapting to suit the needs of those who may need a little more assistance.

Access Sport aims to promote inclusion for individuals to participate in all types of sports regardless of their background or impairments.

Find out more about the vision of Access Sport here.

"An overwhelming thank you to Nath & Meg for the most memorable COVID safe 7th birthday party! Braving the chilly (but luckily dry) outdoor December weather - my son and his friends had an amazing time building, racing and programming their LEGO robots. robotics, coding - I was really impressed, and the boys were laughing, cheering and had a great time"
Parent at a birthday party in Bagshot
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