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Traffic Lights!

When we think of teambuilding, we usually conjure up images of groups of people taking part in various activities right? Contrary to this belief, if we were to examine the basic principles, it is actually as important for an individual to build up their own skillset themselves before implementing such skills into a group situation. A game of ‘Traffic Lights’ gives children the opportunity to develop their listening skills both on an individual level and as part of a group…

What you need…

A facilitator (who can shout rather loudly!!) and a group of participants.

How to play the Traffic Lights teambuilding game…

This game has only one rule and that is to listen to the facilitator and take action based upon their command. The commands are as follows:-

– Red – children should freeze immediately

Yellow – children must run on the spot

– Green – children must run around like headless chickens!

– Car Pool – children must create a group and link arms

– Speed Hump – children must hop around

See Traffic Lights in action…

(Video courtesy of birthday parties.

"Hamish had a amazing birthday party. Thank you. He wants you again next year. Great party idea and the other kids had so much fun"
Parent at a birthday party in London
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